Monday, August 20, 2012

Profile: Tyron

Tyron Moore
Nickname: Ty
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Elementalist)
Age: 16
Birthdate: 10/17
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Pig
Blood Type: Type A
Height: 6’ 5”

Weapon: Mace
Animal: Elephant
Element: Earth
Beliefs/Religion: Atheist
Basic Description: Medium brown hair with gilding from the sun, lightly tanned skin, moves in a relaxed manner

Current Information
>Family background: One of four existing air clans in the US
>Birthplace: America
>History: Born into a secret clan of air Elementalists. Naturally, being polar opposites, they became exasperated with him. His cousins were cruel, at one point even blinding him in his left eye, though it was accidental. However, he grew enormously, and eventually his power became unstable, so his family had no choice but to send him to Skeleton Keys or risk being annihilated. His (deliberate) power is almost completely untrained for obvious reasons. Slow temper, but once angered will go into a towering rage and use a huge amount of power to destroy everything in the vicinity.
>Home: Colorado
>Favorite possessions: A stone Illia gave him
>Pets: A few cats, rabbits, mice, and various injured animals that he rescues

Physical Description
>Hairstyle: Short, with longer bangs over his left eye
>Eyes: Blue (left is blind)
>Body: Super muscular
>Physical condition: Extremely fit
>Piercings, scars, tattoos: Zodiac tattoo on bicep, cartilage piercing
>Clothing: Whatever he can find in his size 

>Likes: Illia, the outdoors, exercise, friends
>Dislikes: Rude people, people who are scared of him, Josh 
>Fears: Air Elementalists, someone else taking Illia
>Goals: He doesn’t really have any…
>Hobbies: Training, gardening
>Occupation: Student
>Favorite food: Nothing really
>Least favorite food: Nothing really
>Most prized possession (emotional value):
>Vernacular (way of speaking): Speaks slowly and clearly
>Psychological condition: Fairly messed up
>Character behavior: Deferential
>Aptitude: Towards physical activities
>Problems: People are scared of him due to his intimidating stature, but he’s actually a big teddy bear
>Relationships (with who and what kind):
Friends: Caleb, Xerin, Zenery, Larimar, Briar, Nico
Wary of: Lisse (;A;)
Not sure: Gareth, Set
Crush: Illia
>Superstitious: No.
>Positive characteristics: Warm, supportive, steadfast, hard-working, companiable, good-natured, doesn’t ask questions
>Negative characteristics: Inflexible, obstinate, perfectionist, introverted
>Personality: Reliable, solid, protective
>Physical: Super boss strength Very, very strong

>Magical: Earthbending
>Other: Extremely susceptible to mind games, but people feel terrible about manipulating him

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