“Hehe...” I still couldn’t stop giggling over Professor Vantas’s shouted curses. I wondered why he was a professor, though. Aren’t professors supposed to teach you something? My gaze wandered over to Caleb, who was gesturing wildly while talking to Nico. He was a good kisser, and also really cute. I still couldn’t believe that everyone knew my secret now. I wondered if I had a curse on me... My gaze wandered across the room. Poor Larimar looked upset. I wondered why.
‘Because of you.’ My tiger ghosted by.
‘What?’ I was confused. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘She’s upset because of you. Although if you aren’t clever enough to figure it out, far be it from me to enlighten you.’ She drifted away again. I crossed my arms, wondering what she meant. Then I caught sight of Gareth sitting stonily across the room. I grinned, and skipped over to bother him.
“Hi!” He didn’t look up.
“Are you ignoring me?” He continued glowering contemptuously at the room in general, somehow managing to include me even though I was at the very edge of his peripheral vision.
“Whyyy are you ignoring me?” I poked him. When he continued to feign deafness, I used my last trick- the puppy dog eyes. “Pleeeeeease stop ignoring me?”
“... Hm.”
“You didn’t ask a question worth answering.” I skipped around in a circle.
“Yes! I got you to talk!” Maybe it was my imagination, but I was sure I saw him facepalming (that’s another word I learned!).
Or maybe not.
But I'd like to think so!
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