I helped Nico to his feet and left with a parting glare at the rest of the room. I really didn’t think it was a coincidence, however, that the nurse’s room had been re-located to the opposite end of the school. I gritted my teeth, prayed the headmasters would burn in hell, and informed Nico, who looked more white-faced then ever. He slumped against the wall.
“This isn’t gonna be fun,” he observed gloomily. He had a lot of trouble just walking this far, seeing as I was almost a foot shorter than him and so wasn’t very good support. I had an idea, though. I formed two crutches out of the air, and presented him with them. He looked confused.
“… What are you doing?” Oh. That’s right- only I can see my creations.
“They’re crutches. I made them.” He still looked completely bewildered. I sighed, and thrust them towards him.
“Remember? I can make solid and invisible objects.” He seemed a little disconcerted, recalling my match earlier. I glared at him.
“I promise it isn’t covered in vicious spikes or anything equally dangerous.”
“… Fine.” He attempted to stand and failed. Miserably. Apparently invisible crutches aren’t very easy to use. As I was thinking about this, Nico was walking (or limping) away. Damn. I forgot to warn him…
“AAAAH!” I walked carefully towards him.
“My objects vanish when they get more than 10 yards away from me,” I informed him, gazing down. He groaned.
“Why didn’t you warn me?” I shrugged. I hadn’t really thought about it. We continued down the hallway.
“I wonder if they’ve killed each other yet.” Nico was still sulking, and didn’t answer. I smirked at him, amused. “Sulking, are we?” He jumped, stung.
“I am not sulking!” I raised an eyebrow.
“Mm-hmm. Very convincing.” He was saved from having to respond by almost running into Caleb and Amber. Gareth was gliding besides them.
“So Caleb, what’s an Elvis?” I caught a glimpse of Caleb’s confounded face, and smirked as we passed. Nico chuckled quietly. We rounded the corner, and Nico stumbled. I heard yet another ominous cracking sound from his injured ankle, and his face turned ghost-white and he collapsed, unconscious. I knelt beside him, frowning at the swelling around his ankle.
“This… is not good.” I formed a floating platform, and tried to lift him. It didn’t work. I glared at my ridiculously skinny limbs and formed hands to raise him to the level of the platform. I moved him onto it, and walked beside it as Nico seemingly levitated himself along the hallway.
±±±±±±±±±±±±45 minutes later±±±±±±±±±±
We finally reached the nurse’s office (Nico having regained consciousness 10 minutes before) only to discover that there was, in fact, no school nurse aside from the Headmasters, and they were, of course, absent.
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